About Me

For years, I worked in the corporate world until I changed my field and studied to become a licensed massage therapist. I was a successful massage therapist and entrepreneur for quite some time. I got married, had children and then I got burnt after 13 years of massaging clients.

After researching and learning and talking about opportunities and the idea of leveraging my income, I came to an epiphany. I can be in direct sales. I can manage a team of many. I have leadership skills. I am positive and have a friendly outlook and enjoy people.

I am a leader in one direct sales company and continue with that one with continual growth. I stumbled upon Beijo Bags. Number one I LOVE handbags and number two I have not come across a business model in Direct Sales that this company offers. So again, I talked, researched and played with the handbags and knew this was the right business for me.

Yes, may people in direct sales entice you with the idea of obtaining flexibility, stay home with the kids, make money, earn commissions and bonuses, trips, etc. BUT they don't tell you that it takes determination, confidence and passion for what you are offering to others. If you do not believe in the direct sales model; then how can you recruit. How can you build a group of leaders if you don't believe in yourself or the company? Now... if you do believe in these things let's talk.

If you are looking for a ground floor opportunity, successful in another direct sales company, a motivated stay at home mom then I would love to hear from you.

Higs, Debbie
My Website